Thursday, February 21, 2008

Wildlife Policy people think its a good idea to save the wolves, neglecting the fact that they eat people.

Apparently the gray wolf is no longer endangered in the Rockies. This is good news for gray wolves and thir protectors but bad news for edible, sentient beings. Before you environmentalist types go all crazy on me about carrying capacity and ecosystem balance, I would like to point to out to you that a lot of people get eaten by wolves. I don't have an exact number, because when i googled "Gray wolf-induced fatalities" alls it came up with was some shitty indie rock band from Portland. I know gray wolves keep certain pest populations intact, such as the dreadlocked white trustafarian-backpacker, but I'm pretty sure they eat decent, hardworking Americans all the time. So to whatever misguided wildlife conservation NGO bitched and moaned this "protected" or "endangered" status into existence I sentence you to fifteen lashings with a stolen VCR, or two joyless alleyway handjobs.

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